The weather is nice again and its got me dreaming about me, book, blanket and a field of fresh flowers.... (I've been reading too many French romance novels lately). That being so I am into the fresh face right now "beauté naturelle". No make up, no hair product, just a clean face and hair dryed in the wind. There was a time I wouldn't speak of it - no way! I thought if people saw me for what I really am their eyes would pop out of their heads, they would cry out in pain and never want to see me again! Lucky that phase passed. I love a natural beauty and even though I may not be as blessed as Constance Jablonski (first image below) I love that natural beauty doesn't necessarily mean the most beautiful girl... For those who can't pass on the make up, use soft natural colours that enhance your natural tone - soft rosy or peachy cheeks, hint of lip stain, a touch of eye shadow (one of my favourites is Nars Indian Summer duo). Its easy and saves time and everyone loves a natural beauty!

Images: Ist Jak & Jil, 2nd Garance Dore, 3rd Lady Petrova via A New Muse
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