Thursday, July 16, 2009

Working girl

It can be hard to find decent corporate work wear and by decent I mean something that isn't your standard Cue, Country Road, Jigsaw, Boring etc... Fortunately Karen Walker "She's Cracked" spring summer 09/10 collection has it covered. The tweeds, prints and delicate tailoring will work well with your current wardrobe and the addition of a little quirky layered sleeve, funky print, and texture will have you standing out from the pack. Most of the pieces are fun enough to also double as weekend wear - value for money I say!

Karen Walker She's Cracked SS 09/10

Also check out Lover for work wear that isn't work wear.

Lover dress on NET-A-PORTER.COM

This Lover jacket is also available on NET-A-PORTER.COM

Images: BlondeVenus, NET-A-PORTER.COM, thevine

1 comment:

Ruhvana and Flanelli said...

All these looks are devine. All these different sleeves and skirts and combinations. I wich I could have them all.
